It's been a crazy week, somewhat stressful, busy at work and just a lot going. It would have been an easy week to throw the whole plan out the window, grab some skittles and have at it. Instead I know that I've made a lifestyle change, and when I was stressing out over whatever it might have been, I chose healthy options. I drank a glass of water, I had some hot tea or I snacked on grapes or another piece of fruit. I went for a walk, I wrote my inner-most feelings somewhere other than this blog. I just did something other than turn to food.
I can remember being on "programs" in the past and knowing I'd be skipping a week for a weigh in, either because of vacation or because of a holiday or something. That's sometimes the time when it's easy to say, I can be a 'little' bad, because, there is an extra week in there to fix what went wrong! I was amazed that I didn't do that this week. I stuck it out, knowing that I'd be going two weeks for a weigh in, and made it through, so far!
I did an unofficial weigh in yesterday, as I do every day, at least once :) just to see where I was to goal. I show that I had a 1.8 pound loss, for a new total of 75.6pounds. That leaves a whopping 1.6 pounds to go to hit my goal. There are people who are going to think I've lost my mind, but the past few days, I've considered going 10more pounds. I'm not going to, but the thought has crossed my mind that it's an option. Because this is where I discuss this journey, I've put it in here just so everyone understands that I did have the thought of continuing to go another 10 pounds. It's part of the process. Deciding and knowing for ME that I am ready to begin the transition is a decision, no matter how many opinions are given, that is only mine to make.
I have an appointment scheduled for next Monday to start the transition to maintenance. I'm not sure exactly what that entails. I have been working mostly the whole time with Kristen at the office, who is absolutely amazing. She's become a friend during this and we have found some commonalities in some very special places. I spoke with her tonight and she will not be the one doing my maintenance transition appointment. I did, however, learn from her that "transition to maintenance' means a lot more options, different foods, etc... The Zone Awareness paperwork that I have discusses the basic principles of any meal or snack. They will always consist of lean protein, 'favorable' carbs and a good fat.
It was great too, to learn from a personal phone call from Dr. Garcia a week or so ago, that I've lowered my risk factors and chances for developing chronic disease by over 100% for things like Arthritis, Asthma, Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Disease and Stroke. It's definitely been a positive health move! I just realized that was in last week's blog too...sorry!
Again, no weigh in "officially" this week, but alas, I do have updated photos. These were taken on 5/23, day 156.
Someone posted on my blog last week and I actually just saw the post. They asked about whether or not I've talked to people who have lost weight on this program and kept it off. I definitely have met people and talk to people every week on maintenance that are keeping the weight off. My comment and honest opinion back to the person who posted was that it definitely is a lifestyle change and not just a temporary solution to a life-long battle and that with the right mind-set you can keep it off. It's all about balance.
In closing, here are some pictures for you and of course, a quote, or two, I couldn't decide which I like better.
“There’s no secret to balance. You just have to feel the waves” Frank Herbert
“Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving” Albert Einstein