April 20, 2011

A little behind...Weeks 6 & 7

My apologies to everyone! Work has been crazy and I just haven't had a lot of time to think about my blog posts.

I try to post something meaningful and an accurate depiction of my week (or weeks in this case), along with realizations, struggles, challenges, successes or whatever the case might be. Sometimes I know days in advance what I want to blog about after my weigh in result and other times my creativity just hides and I can't think of anything meaningful.

A few weeks ago I was going to post in regards to being someone who likes to maintain control over every aspect of my life, yet, apparently my weight issues/struggles are something I can't 'control' unless I pay full-on attention and use the resources from Dr. Garcia's office to help me hold myself accountable. It just sounds funny to me that someone who is a control freak needs accountability!

Live and learn I guess, because during Round 1 as I was closing in on my goal, I didn't think I'd need the accountability that standing on the scale gives me on a weekly basis. I think I thought I was successful, I learned what I needed to do, so I could just "do it"...but when I wasn't checking in, I quickly learned it was easy to not do it and not have to think much about it.

This time...no doubt about it, maintenance is mandatory! I have an incredibly supportive circle though and they encourage me to do the right things, remind me to drink the water and assist me in every aspect of the program.

SO over the last two weeks, and if you've made it this far in this blog post, you should know, I wrote this post last night, while coloring Easter eggs with Todd & Elise and I posted it...however, just found out it only posted a portion of it...so if the thoughts seem a little scattered it's because I just emailed all of you and told you it was done...then it wasn't!

So...the last two weeks. The end of week six proved to be a successful week with a 2.8 pound loss for a total of 25.4 and week seven ended with a 1.8 pound loss for a grand total to date of 27.2 and I really couldn't be happier. Well, I could...it's prime time for tomatoes here in Florida and I can't have them until I hit 30 pounds...then I'll be really happy!

I have also made the decision that I am going to continue for another 20 pounds. If I do that, I'll be 5 pounds more than when I hit goal last time. I heard from several people last time that I went too far and so maybe 5 pounds will be ok. I've asked Jen and Todd, the people who see me the most, to keep this all in check with me though. Last time I didn't necessarily think I had gone too far down in weight but other people thought I did. This time I've reached out and asked them to let me know when enough is enough if they think so before I do.

To all of my support system though, thank you so much. Without you all, I wouldn't be able to continue this through the daily struggles of "life" getting in the way. Sometimes it's easy to just run into somewhere with a drive-thru and make a quick, non-healthy choice, but even when we are sometimes in a hurry to get home from what we've been out doing or we need a quicker lunch than normal, my friends, boyfriend and family all make that sacrifice for me to be able to find something I can eat other than fast food. You guys all deserve an award for putting up with me as well!

Thanks, again...now I'm off to have lunch and drink another liter of water or two, before 3:30 this afternoon...today's water goal!

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