I hate that it's been so long since I've even logged on to my blog...hey, that rhymed...anyway...
Today, Ash Wednesday is the start of Lent. Before we go much further into that, let me just make sure we're all on the same 'page' here (my page, yep, we're all here!!)
I'm an inwardly spiritual person. I pray, a lot....more these days, considering there are struggles in my life. Right, wrong or indifferent, it's my blog, I'm being honest. I pray more when I have a fear or an issue. That's not the point of all this, just don't judge it! So, where were we? Ahhh, yes, inwardly spiritual. I spent a lot, I mean a lot of years in church, leading youth groups, helping make an impact in society by making sure kids were being led and such. I worshiped, every week and then I stopped. I didn't stop believing, I stopped attending and sometimes I wonder why. Quite honestly, though, I could stand in my garage, every Sunday for a zillion years and that won't make me a car anymore than sitting in church every week makes me any more of a Christian. So, if you're shocked I'm "kicking off" Lent with a blog post, consider all of that and let me have my say...
Why today? Well, it IS the first day of Lent and while a lot of people make resolutions on New Years, I am choosing today as my resolution day. I need something to focus on. I'm currently unemployed and while I don't stay 'down long' and many of you remind me how I always 'bounce back from adversity' (trust those who know me, while often not job related, I've had my share of crap)...I'm not happy with the state of some things in my life.
So, here I go again, on whatever round this is of "Getting back on track" and I find Lent the greatest way to kick this off for me.
Last night I posted on Facebook that I was giving up carbs for Lent. I need to clarify...I'm going back on my program, the one that works for me when I focus and pay attention to it. Giving up carbs wasn't totally correct, but if you read far enough back in this blog you'll see what it's all about, it's one of the very first posts, and I don't know how to re-post the link here....I tried and tried...HELP! I see people do that all the time and I'm clueless :-( (It's post # 2, December 2008 if you're so inclined)
Giving up carbs was an inaccurate statement. Going back on the program is much more accurate and that does include limited "good for you" carbs...so there's some clarification.
So, off I go...it's time to start this show, once again...and this year, a week earlier than last year! The goal: STAY on plan until vacation or until goal. Whichever comes first and the long-term goal....MAINTAIN it this time, better than last or even better than the last before that! UGH!
Oh, one more goal, I need to find a job. I'm intrigued by some of the possibilities out there, but need to find the faith in myself to take the leap! I'll keep you all posted, because, this is a great release for me, even if nobody reads it but Todd and my mom! <3