April 6, 2009

Completion of Week 15!

What a week! Things here at home have been a little crazy, a little busy and a little stressed. I've been looking to move out of my current townhouse into a single-family home and have worked this week on finding something, getting paperwork done and making plans for all of the utilities and the like to be turned on when I move. I'm finally moving a bit closer to "life" than where I am now. I can't wait. I'm excited about the house. I'm excited about the neighborhood, and that I will have my friends MUCH MUCH closer to me once the move is complete. The house is closer to everything I do, work, church, friends, shopping, out..you name it! As you can see, I'm ready to go NOW~but just a few weeks and I'll be in there.

I am still fighting with drinking a gallon of water a day on the program. Since I had company at the end of February, yes, over a month ago, I've not completed a gallon a day yet. I really have a hard time thinking about drinking the water. I forget to drink it. I forget sometimes to even eat--so drinking water isn't something that seems to be top on my priority list. I guess I should put it back up there where it used to be. I've noticed since the increased work-out schedule and the decreased water intake I am starting to get muscle cramps in my legs at random times.

Today, as far as weigh-in was concerned was fantastic. I was down an additional 3.7 pounds for a total after 15 weeks of 58.7 pounds. I have 18.5 pounds to go to the new goal and then start the maintenance program that I have been reading about.

I'm ready to start that program, yet still don't mind the program how it is today. I have gotten a little more lax in the "no alcohol" department. There are the occasions where I'll grab a beer now and again. Usually no more than one and no more than one or two days a week. Apparently it's not been an issue! Then again, I'm not eating as much food as I'm supposed to eat and the beer is 99 calories!

I'm still having the same "me" struggles, but I truly don't see them going away anytime soon. It's a self-confidence issue that I have I suppose. I know I've had it for 20 years (at least!) and lately it's been more prevalent. I suppose because for the first time in forever, I'm hearing things from people I'm just not used to hearing. I guess when you lose almost 60 pounds in 15 weeks it causes people to take notice. I'm not used to the "take notice of me" thing. I think I've just sort of been "around" for the past 20 years and there hasn't been a whole lot of reason to compliment me. I mean, that sounds really bad. There are a lot of things I have been complimented on in the past, but none as "physical" as this process has been. It's just sometimes hard for me to believe it about myself.

It's funny, I never doubt the sincerity of the people who do the complimenting...but I find myself thinking, "ya, ok, whatever...it's just me, let's move on to something NOT about me." Yet, there are people who I call and text immediately after my weigh in, just so I can update them~it sounds stupid as I write this, but those are the people that I never doubt their feelings or what they tell me. Anyway, it's what I feel, so it's here. That being said, after I write the last paragraph, I typically go to a quote website I use and look for something that fits the topic. If this doesn't say it, nothing else could! Now, to start believing it!

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that frightens us most. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, and famous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that people won't feel insecure around you. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in all of us. And when we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

1 comment:

  1. yay, another great week. drink your water, friend...and eat! so excited for you about house!
