April 20, 2009

Completion of Week 17!

Another week down. I don't have a whole lot to blog about today. There is a lot going on and I have a lot on my mind with the move, work is busy and things are just a little 'crazy' for the next few weeks.

There is stuff everywhere in my house. I need more boxes. It's a bigger chore than I thought to pack all of this stuff by myself. I did decide to hire movers for the actual move day. I can't wait to be in the new place and get settled. I can't wait for SPACE! I can't wait to not have neighbors (whom leave little to be desired) not 'attached' to me on one side. There are a lot of positives in this upcoming move. Anyway, lots going on, and this blog isn't the spot for all that.

I did receive information today on the maintenance program and how that all works. I'm not sure how long I'll be able to afford to continue that part, but we'll see how it goes. I'm not so much worried about the maintenance aspect of this, as I know what I have to do and I'm not willing to "not" do it. I've blogged before about my dad who has lost weight and kept it off for a lot of years, just simply by knowing what he needs to do and doing it. I know I'm motivated enough now to do that.

I've had to shop again lately. I'm having an issue with buying things that only fit for a couple of weeks and then that's it. I finally bought some shorts. Knowing that I'm close to being done, and having two pair that are too big, I went this weekend and finally found some. Shoes have been another issue. My feet are smaller!??! This has caused me to need new shoes. I absolutely hate shoe shopping and I can't find anything that I like. I just continue to wear the same shoes that really don't fit anymore!

So...today's weigh in was great. I was pretty sure I knew where I was going to end up and it was close. I had a busy morning and had to actually leave the doctors office and come back later in the day. I lost 2.8 pounds this week for a grand total of 63 pounds. I also lost 1.8% body fat this week, for a total decrease in body fat of 16.3%. That means absolutely nothing to me though...I can't relate 16% body fat to anything...but it's out there! It's been 117 days and I have 14.2 pounds left to goal.

Things are progressing for sure. Today one of the ladies that works at the check-out at the office told me she didn't remember me from before. When I showed her the "before" picture, she was shocked. Pretty soon, I suppose I'll be showing all of you the actual before picture that was before I lost the 25 pounds I lost between moving from Connecticut to Jacksonville to Tampa.

Once I hit goal, the program total will be 77.2 and the actual, overall weight loss total will be 102.2 pounds. I will have lost almost my entire "new" self. Give or take 35 pounds, but WOW! As I type that, it's a LOT! To know that I had that much to actually lose doesn't make me overly happy. I probably wasted a lot of years not living life to its fullest because of that. I'm just sitting here contemplating things that I haven't thought of about having lost almost 100 pounds.

Prior to beginning the program, I suffered with (let's just call it) stomach issues. Since December 22, I have not taken any of my stomach medicine. It's amazing the difference in not taking those meds, the lack of meds for migraines, because I'm not having them so much. It's rare that I take any meds, other than the 11 prescribed things I take a day for the program!

Well, since I guess I found some stuff to blog about I'll close now that you've made it this far. I just ran across someone else's blog post that listed 101 thoughts on how to lose 100 pounds. There was some great stuff in there, I decided to use a few of them as the closing quote for tonight....enjoy and have a great week!
Restaurants don’t care if you eat everything that you are served. Their goal is to fill you up on free breadsticks, extra soda and alcoholic beverages before your entrĂ©e comes so you’ll go home happy…and fat. They won’t be there holding your hand when you get that coronary bypass.

If you eat your meals with overweight people, you will eat more. Period.
If you eat your meals with healthy fit people, you may eat less… and save money.

And, although I disagree with these, here's a few more:

Getting “checked out” is a real mood-booster, even if you are in a relationship.

The first time you walk by a friend you have not seen in a while and they do not recognize you because you have lost so much weight is an amazingly positive experience.

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